
PlayStation Store Opens Doors on PC


Sony has released an online counterpart to the PlayStation 3’s PlayStation Store, now highlighting PlayStation Portable content.

Following the growth of the PlayStation 3’s PlayStation Store, Sony is showing the PlayStation Portable with some online shopping love. The new Playstation Store offers purchasable PSP content that can be obtained from your computer and placed on a memory stick to use with the hand-held. For those who have already registered a Playstation Store account via their PS3s, their registration and payment information will be carried over automatically to their online account.

The availability of downloadable PS One classics, including Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Crash Bandicoot, full PlayStation Network releases and executable versions of UMD titles (Go! Sudoku and Fired! Up provides early visitors with a wealth of content from which they can choose.

Darren Cairns, head of online marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, talked to about the importance of digital content working alongside the UMD format. “I don’t think that this would give us any cause for concern over UMD, I think they sit very well together. When you talk about the more casual games, pick-up-and-play games, you would definitely want to put them through the Store rather than have disc production, in to retail, and so on…. The PC Store is very much targeted at getting lots of really good game content at the start for the millions of PSP users that we’ve got. Longer term, the PlayStation Store is predominantly for game content for day one and we’re working on the plans to build that out after.”

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