A long-forgotten PS One peripheral is getting a new lease on life through the Vita.
Software for the PocketStation, a Japanese companion device for the original PlayStation, is coming back as a PlayStation Vita app. The announcement comes two weeks after a bizarre teaser suggested that something PocketStation-related would be coming soon.
The app, which is available today, comes free with a PlayStation Plus subscription, comes with a few of the device’s original games, including Crash Bandicoot 3, Mega Man and Ape Escape. The app is currently for PS Plus members only, but will be available region-wide December 3, along with the app’s first post-launch release, Dokodemo Issho.
Similar to the Sega Dreamcast VMU, the PocketStation was basically a memory card with a small screen. Its games came packed in with disc-based PS One titles. The device also featured a clock and supported wireless data-swapping via infrared. Though initially popular, the PocketStation had a relatively short lifespan: Sony shut down production in 2002, just three years after the device first launched.
Source: PlayStation Japan via Polygon