
Porn Distributor Strikes Out With Sony, Tries Microsoft Instead


Porn on PSN? Not happening, but Vivid Entertainment hopes that Xbox Live is another matter.

Vivid Entertainment CEO and co-founder Steven Hirsch was keen to get his catalogue on PSN, but initial talks between Vivid and Sony have proven fruitless. Hirsch is not admitting defeat however, and hopes that Microsoft might be more receptive to the idea.

“If we could get further than we did with Sony [on Xbox Live], we’d be very interested,” he said. When he first talked about the idea last year, Hirsch said, “As long as proper age verification is in place there is no reason why consumers should not be allowed to view adult movies on any device that they desire.”

I can see why Hirsch would be interested in a deal with one of the big console manufacturers, but it’s difficult to see Microsoft being particularly keen on the idea. There’s not a lot of evidence to suggest that adding porn to Xbox Live would be something that Microsoft really wants to do.

Source: 1up

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