
PSN Apparently Back Online, But Only For Developers


Reports suggest that the service is “shaky,” but working.

The PlayStation Network, which is currently in its fourth week of downtime, may soon be back to its usual self, if the rumors that Sony has gotten at least some of it up and running are to be believed. Sources suggest that Sony has restored a limited amount of functionality to the developer side of PSN, functionality that will hopefully spill over to the consumer side soon.

The rumors comes via NeoGAF, where a poster who works for a third party game testing company in Canada said that PSN was up and running where he worked, at least enough to play a game’s co-op mode. Since that post, moderator Kagari reported that a number of other developers had confirmed to her that their part of PSN was working. She also reports that things are a little “shaky” with the network at the moment, and certain features, like the ability to sign up for new accounts, still weren’t working.

If this is true, it could be a very positive sign for PS3 owners – not the mention some rather frustrated developers – and would gel quite nicely with the implication from Sony that PSN could be back up in a few days time. We’ve contacted Sony for comment, and will update if and when we hear back.

Source: NeoGAF via Eurogamer

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