
Psychonauts Comes to PSN


Tim Schaefer’s cult classic gets a downloadable release as part of the Playstation Classics program.

When last seen, Tim Schaefer was rolling around in a new money bin built to hold his Kickstarter proceeds. The latest from Double Fine is that its cult classic adventure game Psychonauts will be coming to the Playstation Network as a downloadable title. It will be available as of next week Tuesday, so – in the words of PlayStation blogger and community manager Chris Remo – “Tune up your heartstrings. Clean off your credit card.” This comes courtesy of the PlayStation 2 Classic program, intended to bring PS2 titles to current consoles.

Remo went on to say “as it turns out, we do love free money! (Preferably in cash-stuffed envelopes slid under the office door.).” He went on to explain why it had taken so long for the game to get a PSN release: “to truly become a PlayStation 2 Classic, we wanted to ensure Psychonauts had all the time it needed to grow into its status as a classic, like a fine artisanal Tuscan cheese. But less smelly.” Psychonauts has been available on the iStore and Steam for a while, but this is the first time it’s been available as a PlayStation title since its release in 2005.

Psychonauts, the game beloved by hat-wearing Aussies, features psychic protagonist Raz as he investigates strange goings-on at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. It was the first game Double Fine ever released, and while critically acclaimed it didn’t break any sales records. However it attracted enough of a dedicated following to keep it going, and is still one of Double Fine’s best known titles. Incidentally for those wondering, Schaefer is still hard at work on his Kickstarter project … but that’s a story for another day.

Source: Game Informer

UPDATE: Clarification: Chris Remo, described as a PlayStation blogger, does not work for Sony. Remo is a Double Fine employee.

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