
Rainforest Foundation Unveils New Game


The Rainforest Foundation U.K. has unveiled a new online game aimed at highlighting the threat to the planet’s remaining rainforests.

In Congo Jones and the Loggers of Doom, players will help local villagers properly map their lands so they can claim them and protect them from industrial loggers. Players will jump across logs and alligators, dodge flying chainsaws, climb to the top of an ancient waterfall and more as they attempt to thwart the greedy, short-sighted corporate interests.

“The game presents a very serious issue in an interactive way so that players want to take action to stop the carve-up of the Congo rainforest,” said Helen Brownstone, head of fund raising and communications at the Rainforest Foundation.

Established in 1989 by Police frontman Sting, the Rainforest Foundation is a U.K.-based charity dedication to the preservation of worldwide rainforests and the rights of their indigenous peoples. More information is available at

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