Video SeriesYour Feature Presentation

Ranking the Spider-Man Movies from Worst to Best

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In the first episode of Your Feature Presentation, a new pop culture show at The Escapist hosted by Jack Packard and Darren Mooney, Jack and Darren are ranking the Spider-Man movies from worst to best, and later Marty Sliva joins the fray to discuss the Resident Evil movies with Jack.

About the author

Jack Packard
In 2019, Jack started at The Escapist by shouting into a camera about video games. Now Jack spends most of his time using a goofy voice to shout into a camera while playing Dungeons & Dragons. Jack has been a Professional Video Producer and Editor for the past 16 years and a Video Game Enjoyer ever since “my dad yelled at me for putting the Zapper Gun right up against the TV while playing Duck Hunt!” He loves games like Dark Souls, The Zelda Series, Darks Souls 2, DOOM(2016), Elden RIng, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, and Dark Souls.
    Jack Packard
    In 2019, Jack started at The Escapist by shouting into a camera about video games. Now Jack spends most of his time using a goofy voice to shout into a camera while playing Dungeons & Dragons. Jack has been a Professional Video Producer and Editor for the past 16 years and a Video Game Enjoyer ever since “my dad yelled at me for putting the Zapper Gun right up against the TV while playing Duck Hunt!” He loves games like Dark Souls, The Zelda Series, Darks Souls 2, DOOM(2016), Elden RIng, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, and Dark Souls.

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