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Rebel Moon’s Zack Snyder Addresses #ReleaseTheSnyderCut Controversy

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Even while promoting a new movie, this director can’t escape his past. Rebel Moon‘s Zack Snyder has addressed the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut controversy.

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After the release of 2017’s Justice League, a production that had been taken over by Joss Whedon and marred by controversy, it didn’t take fans long to put together the pieces. Whedon and Warner Bros. had moved away from Snyder’s original vision for his third DC Extended Universe film and left most of it on the cutting room floor.

That wouldn’t be the end of it, however, as fans began campaigning for the release of the original cut. It would take some time and a lot of Internet back and forth, but all four hours of Zack Snyder’s Justice League hit HBO Max in 2021. The success doesn’t mean the movement wasn’t without controversy, though, and Snyder recently spoke about that.

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“I’m not going to comment on the details of whether they are good or bad, whether they are toxic or bullying,” said Snyder while speaking to THR. “That’s in every chat room. It’s what comes with the internet. But I do know that the work they did on some level was good. I can say for a fact that they did good. That is undeniable.”

Despite the good Snyder mentioned, there were some reports about the actual size of the director’s following, with Rolling Stone claiming that Snyder Cut traffic was being fueled by bots. Snyder took the time to respond to those reports as well. “The truth is? It doesn’t matter. The movie got made,” he said. “If they were smart enough to employ bots in this thing, then they won. That movie has no business existing — and it does.”

As Zack Snyder continues to move away from his time at DC and focuses on making sci-fi epics with Netflix, one would hope talk of the Snyder Cut controversy would wane. But knowing the Internet, it’ll remain both the most important part of Snyder’s resume and a wart on the face of DC for years to come.

About the author

Jackson Hayes
Jackson Hayes is an Associate Editor at The Escapist. Starting his writing career in 2017, he quickly rose the ranks and became an editor. He's spent the last six years working at outlets such as CBR, Heroic Hollywood and Full Circle Cinema. You can follow him on Twitter @jacksonhayes67
    Jackson Hayes
    Jackson Hayes is an Associate Editor at The Escapist. Starting his writing career in 2017, he quickly rose the ranks and became an editor. He's spent the last six years working at outlets such as CBR, Heroic Hollywood and Full Circle Cinema. You can follow him on Twitter @jacksonhayes67

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