
RedLynx Wants You to Have Trials For Free


To celebrate Trials HD‘s massive popularity, RedLynx is giving away Trials Legends for free.

Xbox Live Arcade’s Trials HD might set you back a sawbuck-and-a-half, but as of today, RedLynx is giving everybody a taste of its gameplay for no cost. To celebrate moving one million copies of Trials HD in about a year, the studio has created a brand new game called Trials Legends that explores the series’ past, and it’s absolutely free.

Trials had been a series on the PC for years before Trials HD was released on XBLA, with the game’s previous version, Trials 2: Second Edition, still available on Steam. Trials Legends is a new PC game that explores the early days of Trials by incorporating 33 tracks seen between 2000-2005. Players can choose from six bike models, each with their own weight, braking, and acceleration levels, and the game also includes a track creator.

Trials Legends provides more of the incredibly challenging, yet engrossing dirt bike stunt levels that we’ve come to expect from RedLynx. You might have trouble just getting through the tutorial, but the physics-based gameplay still feels good if not a little loose. If you don’t like it, well hey, you got it for free. Trials is based around trimming a micro-second or two off of a previous run, so there’s a lot of gameplay here for the price.

To download Trials Legends, all you have to do is become a fan of RedLynx on Facebook here. After clicking that “Allow” button that I’m always afraid means my identity will be stolen by parties unknown, you’ll receive a link to the game. Legends can also be connected to Facebook to publish your run times and whatnot, making it one of the better Facebook-enabled games out there (but it exists entirely separate from Facebook like a regular PC game).

RedLynx created Legends partially as a holiday gift to fans, but the fact that it also helps promote future Trials HD DLC doesn’t hurt either. Trials HD‘s “Big Thrills” pack will be out on December 1 for 400 Microsoft Points and will feature 40 new tracks, including 10 created by the community.

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