
Respawn Outlines Next Few Months of Titanfall 2 DLC

Respawn and EA have shared a road map for upcoming Titanfall 2 DLC.

In a post today, Respawn has shared some details about what DLC you can expect to see for Titanfall 2.

The first is previously announced new game mode Live Fire, a 6v6 best-of-five mode where you have one minute to either take down all enemy pilots or hold a neutral flag when time runs out to win the round. The mode – which is set to arrive in February – will be accompanied by two maps, Stacks and Meadow, are “tight, enclosed death boxes” that are only available for Live Fire.

In March, players can expect to see a new/old map – Colony. You may recognize it from the original Titanfall.

“I’m personally thrilled to see this one making a comeback and it’s starting to look great with a new coat of paint,” the post reads. “That’s all I can say for now but expect all this and more down the road. This is just a tease of all the stuff we’re working on.”

Just like all other post-launch content for the game, this DLC content will be free.

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