
Robert Rodriguez Directs Kobe Bryant Against The Devil

“He thought he was on a road trip to Dallas, but he was on a FREEWAY TO HELL!”

Short films that serve as advertisements are becoming an increasingly popular marketing tactic. While few shorts have been quite as successful as BMW’s The Hire series, that doesn’t mean mean companies haven’t tried to cash in the concept. Nike is the latest group to hire some major talent to make such a film, which will be directed by Robert Rodriguez (the man behind the Sin City movie).

The short will be called Black Mamba and is set to star Kanye West, Bruce Willis, Danny Trejo, and Kobe Bryant and looks pretty ridiculous (in standard Rodriguez fashion). The plot follows Bryant (“the greatest player in the world”) who gets challenged to a basketball game by the Devil (Willis). If the Devil wins the wager, he gets Kobe’s shoes. Also, it looks like a basketball court made from fire will be present; let’s be honest, that’s a cool visual.

The film will be officially released on February 19th. It certainly looks like it’ll be strange and (probably) fun to watch, but I’m not sure how well it’ll move Nike shoes. Still, this will probably be better than Frank Miller’s Gucci ad, so there’s that.

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