
Robin’s Arkham City Look Inspired By Cage Fighters


Robin’s new character design looks pretty intense, and it turns out that the character was given a pretty hardcore background to match the look.

Not too long ago, developer Rocksteady Studios confirmed that the Dark Knight would have his sidekick helping him out in Arkham City. The character’s design was pretty different from what comic fans were used to, and it turns out that the overall look was inspired by how cage fighters tend to appear.

Kan Muftic, one of the game’s concept artists, recently explained in the game’s official forums (via Sarah Wellock, the company’s European Community Manager) about what went into the character’s design:

We wanted to create a Robin that players would identify as a contemporary character and move away from the traditional “Boy Wonder” image that most people know. Our vision of Robin is the one of a troubled young individual that is calm and introverted at times but very dangerous and aggressive if provoked. The shaved head is inspired by cage fighters, because we thought that Robin might be doing that in his spare time to keep him on his toes. Still, we kept all the classic trademarks of Robin’s appearance, such as the red and yellow colors of his outfit, the cape and the mask.

We really hope that people will discover our Robin as one of their new favorite characters in the Batman universe. He is back and he means business.

Muftic also provided this original piece of concept art for the character. The ideas behind this revamp are certainly interesting and demonstrate a lot of consideration. The character has always been fascinating when he’s depicted as an angry badass.

Arkham City is due out October 18th. Robin will be exclusive to pre-orders of the game that are sold at Best Buy stores.

Source: Arkham City via Siliconera

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