
Robot Trained to Shoot Guns is “Not a Terminator,” Insists Russia

Russia’s deputy Prime Minister insists that the FEDOR Robot, which has been trained to fire handguns, is not a Terminator.

Footage (to the right) of Russia’s FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research) robot firing handguns at a target board has sparked concerns that the country is building some sort of Terminator army, but deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin insists that this isn’t the case.

“We are not creating a Terminator, but artificial intelligence that will be of great practical significance in various fields,” Tweeted the PM. FEDOR is supposedly being developed for Russia’s space program, and is expected to be sent into space in 2021. It’s a highly intelligent machine with very advanced motor skills – It knows how to use keys and a variety of tools, screw in light bulbs and even drive a car.

The robot was originally created for rescue work but Russia now believes it is the future of space travel, and may eliminate the need for human astronauts altogether in future missions.

If your name is Sarah Connor, however, you may want to just go ahead and remove your name from the phone book. Just in case.

Source: The Independent

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