Jim Moreno's "RoleCraft" MMO Column

RoleCraft: 2010 – The Year to Make Contact


Greetings, roleplayers! Welcome to the new year, and welcome back to RoleCraft. I have some announcements to make with this edition, so I’ll keep it short and not hold you away from your roleplaying for very long.

RoleCraft is now into its’ second year here at The WarCry Network, for which I am very thankful. Over last year, I pondered new ways to increase the scope and depth of the RP info I share here, and that lead me to see how I could be doing more to widen RoleCraft’s online presence. So, with this edition, I want to announce a few new ways you may plug into this article and share it with your fellow roleplayers.

Facebook is the new online powerhouse for all things social media, so it only makes sense for RoleCraft to join in, yes? Presenting the new RoleCraft Facebook Group! You are of course invited to join, begin and carry on thoughtful discussions about the art of MMORPG roleplaying, and tell your tales as you wish. I will be feeding each new RoleCraft article through there, and also linking to RP related material I find around the Internet. Facebook makes it much easier to share links, so why not make use of it? RoleCraft is not specific to any one MMORPG, so roleplayers of all MMORPGs are welcome!

Second to Facebook in online social media is Twitter, and you may now follow RoleCraft there, too! New RoleCraft editions will be fed through here, also, but what you’ll see more of are my own personal RP sessions. I’ll be tweeting about what games I’m playing, and when, in case you would like to join me for some groovy roleplaying. I’ll also be tweeting about my avatars and their adventures, in their own thoughts and speech, of course. I invite all my fellow roleplayers and MMORPGs to follow RoleCraft, and I will return the favor. Unless you are a spammer, in which case I’ll immediately block you. Nothing personal, of course.

On a side note, did you happen to notice the elf on those two sites? Some time last year, I asked an up-and-coming artist and very dear friend of mine for a piece of art to represent RoleCraft online, and that is the logo she made. I for one am very pleased with it, and I also hope you like it. You may read more about it on my personal blog, Here and Back Again: A Human’s Tale.

Two more ways you may keep up with RoleCraft this year, in case you’ve missed them before, involve the ever popular RSS feeds. First, there’s the direct RoleCraft RSS Feed, which will only send you RoleCraft articles as they are published here. The second way is to follow The WarCry Network’s New & Columns RSS Feed, which will update you with all the latest MMORPG info published to WarCry’s front page, including RoleCraft. Plug either or both feeds into Google Reader or your favorite RSS reader and never miss out on MMORPG headlines again!

I will be playing around with other new online items this year in order to expand RoleCraft, and I will be sharing those as I come to them. In the meantime, there are plenty of MMORPGs to roleplay in, and more on the way (looking at you, Star Trek Online!), and a lot more RP info I have to share with you. I hope you will also join the above RoleCraft outlets online and share your own RP adventures. Until next time, role on!

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