Jim Moreno's "RoleCraft" MMO Column

RoleCraft: Link Farming I

Just in case you may not be aware, RoleCraft isn’t the only place where you can find roleplaying related info on the interwebs. Of course you know that, and I’m only joking. During the course of my day, I am given and locating sites which are directly related to or merely referencing some aspect of roleplaying, and I consider it part of my duty to help keep you, my fellow roleplayers, informed as much as possible.

I am working on a special RoleCraft article for the next issue, so for this one, instead of me yammering on about this and whatever, allow me to share some links that I have come upon of late that keep my RP brain cells engaged. As always, if you have any RP items you’d like to share, any upcoming RP event in your favorite MMORPG you’d like to advertise, or any comments and suggestions about RP, just jot them down in the Comments section here, or send them direct to me at [email protected]. Role on!

Worldwide D&D Game Day
“Worldwide D&D Game Day is a day of international D&D game events supported by Wizards of the Coast. This year, Game Day is scheduled to coincide with the launch of the new 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons.”

The MMO Report: 4th Edition D&D Special
“Casey gets the inside scoop on the 4th Edition rule set and Insider program for Dungeons and Dragons.”

mischief and mayhem
“Ever wanted to *be* your character in the World of WarCraft? On the Roleplay realms, that’s exactly what you do. Join a pair of ardent roleplayers as they share their views on the game.”

That Damn Role Player
“A World of Warcraft Blog From a Role Player Standpoint.”

All the World’s a Stage – WoW Insider
“When you decide to roleplay, a whole new world of imagination opens up to you — soon you realize that all the world’s a stage, even if just an electronic one.”

Gadgetzan Times
“We’re proud to present the new and improved Gadgetzan Times, containing World of Warcraft fan fiction written by people who know it intimately — the players. Featuring a selection of stories in different languages, it’s the perfect place to sample the creativity of your fellow adventurers. We hope you enjoy the new Gadgetzan Times, and if you’re interested in submitting a story yourself, visit our Submission Process page to find out how.”

Role-Playing Made Simple
“Featuring the RP Survival Guide, a work in progress to help both role-players and non role-players learn about the basics of role-playing and more.”

World of Warcraft Roleplaying Policy
“Creating an immersive world that holds true to the “Base Storyline” of the World of Warcraft is the driving motivation behind our Role-Play Servers. While other servers allow you to play World of Warcraft, these servers are intended to let you live World of Warcraft.”

LotRO RPHaven
“This site provides a haven outside of Lord of the Rings Online where all roleplayers, regardless of server, playstyle (and roleplay-style!) preference, can discuss Lord of the Rings Online and roleplaying, find out who their fellow roleplayers are and where the roleplay is, ask questions about the game, share their creative works, and socialize.”

The Green Dragon Inn
“We all need a place where we can sit, relax, and have fun. So welcome to the Green Dragon Inn. We site seeks to provide players on the Landroval Server with a central resource for communication and community. Feel free to browse around at see what is offered here, then register a username and begin participating and contributing. We look forward to building a thriving gaming community for kinship and independant players, roleplayers and non-roleplayers. Together we can make Landroval the kind of place that we can all enjoy for a long time. “

Secrets of the Lord of the Rings
Sadly, only five episodes of this netcast have been recorded and released to date. However, simply put, it is by far the best netcast online today regarding LotRO and the Tolkien lore in relation to gaming.

Radio Rivendell
“Radio Rivendell is the one and only fantasy radio station in the world playing fantasy music 24-7! We’re streaming music for your gaming sessions being it the latest MORPG, pen-and-paper roleplaying or just as any type of background music.”

The Elf and Dwarf
“A Couples-cast about Sci Fi, Fantasy, Gaming, MMO’s, Warcraft and anything else that tickles our Fancy.”

Dogs of War
A Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning casual RP guild

Jim H. Moreno
Skype & MSN: jimmoreno
Yahoo! & AIM: jimmyhmoreno

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