Jim Moreno's "RoleCraft" MMO Column

RoleCraft Review 2008

Season’s greetings, fellow roleplayers! Here we come to it, the last days of 2008, and the last edition of RoleCraft for this year. I sincerely hope you are having as much fun reading this column as I am with writing it. Many thanks go to WarCry for allowing me this opportunity, and to all the reader comments and emails I’ve received. Keep ’em coming!

This year was the first full calendar year of RoleCraft articles. For the sake of new and veteran readers, this edition will take a link back to the others published here since January, making for a quick reference and refresher of any and all articles you may have missed this year. I am greatly looking forward to another full year of writing this column for you, for as long as you would like. I’m spending my last days of this year collecting thoughts and notes on more RP topics, and you may even hopefully see some new stuff from me on WarCry.

Without further delay, here are the RoleCraft articles for 2008:

Roleplayers Set S.A.I.L.!

What Level Is Your RP?

Thank You, Gary Gygax!

Role-ing Solo

Instanced Roleplaying

Professional RP

Beyond the Barriers

Link Farming I


Roleplayer Survey

The Languages of RP – Elvish

Aligning Roleplay

Aligning Roleplay, Part 2

Roleplaying the Elements

Scheduling RP

Expanding RP

Link Farming

Roleplaying Achievements

Roleplaying Moria

RP Gets Religion

Back in September, I had the honor of being interviewed for How I WoW Episode 10, which is a fine netcast from a couple of my groovy World of Warcraft friends. I also make an attempt at keeping up with general RP news from around the web at the RP Archives blog. If you know of any RP related websites and info I’m missing that should be listed at RP Archives, just let me know!

I would still like to expand the scope of RP topics here by looking at as many MMORPGs and the roleplayers who play them as possible. I honestly don’t believe that Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft are the only games with active roleplaying communities, and I cannot play them all myself, so I count on you to help! Simply reply to this and any article in the Comments section, or email me at RoleCraft at gmail dot com. So until next year, blessings of love and safety to you all. Role on!

About the author

Gaming is a Man’s Game

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