
Rumor: Battlefield 2143 Possibly Leaked – Update: Fake

A handful of blurry images reportedly show the existence of Battlefield 2143.

Update: Well, looks like we’ve been fooled again. The reddit user who first posted the images has come out and admitted that he faked them. Sorry folks.

Original Story: Here’s one from the rumor mill that you should probably approach with extreme caution: someone over at reddit has dropped a handful of blurry screenshots he claims proves the existence of Battlefield 2143 – the long awaited sequel to 2006’s Battlefield 2142. First, why don’t you check out the images for yourself:

Yes, the images are potato-quality, but they are relatively convincing. Then again, we have been fooled by elaborate hoaxes like this in the past (such as that embarrassing Rayman in Smash Bros. incident…), so we are regarding this one with extreme suspicion.

For the record, if this is the real deal, would sort-of line up with DICE’s plans to release Battlefield 5 in 2016. The decision to return to the future-based world of Battlefield 2142 would also be spurred on by the success of recent sci-fi hits Titanfall and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

We’ve reached out to EA and DICE for comment, and are also keeping a close eye on the reddit thread where the images came from, to see if there’s any update on the situation.

Source: reddit

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