
Rumors of LittleBigPlanet 2 May Be True – UPDATED


While discussing possible applications of the PlayStation Move, a Sony representative revealed the (not terribly) existence of LittleBigPlanet 2.

During an interview, Sony Benelux’s brand manager, Folkert Langeveld, mentioned something called “LittleBigPlanet Twee,” which appears to be an obvious reference to the existence of LittleBigPlanet 2. The focus of the interview was Sony’s plans to implement PlayStation Move technology into already existing franchises, such as Flower, Hustle Kings and a genre of games dubbed “Sports and Shoot.” Lending more weight to the possibility of a Sackboy sequel is a section in Gamespot reserved for LittleBigPlanet 2, with the byline reading “Media Molecule and Sony Europe are already working on a follow-up to their critically acclaimed platformer.”

I’m as big a fan of Sackboy and friends as the next person, but I’m puzzled over what a sequel could include that 2 million user-made levels couldn’t. Of course, the addition of PlayStation Move technology just might bring enough innovation to recreate the franchise. Of course, the interview was entirely in Dutch, so far all we know he was just ordering lunch. If any of our fluent readers would care to help us out, we’d very much appreciate it.[/i]?

UPDATE:According to ConnectedConsoles, the rumor of a LittleBigPlanet sequel is unfounded:

As demonstrated recently at GDC, LittleBigPlanet has been shown as an example of how an existing game could benefit from PlayStation Move Motion Controller support. This is not a confirmation of LittleBigPlanet 2, and we do not have any announcements to make about the LittleBigPlanet franchise.

Source: Dailymotion, via MTV Multiplayer

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