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Sad Batman Strikes Fear Into The Hearts Of Emo Criminals

Of course the Internet isn’t having any of Zach Snyder’s mopey Batman. And all is right.

Days like this make me love the Internet so hard. Yesterday, Zach Snyder dropped the first image of Ben Affleck as Batman. I liked the new costume a lot, but everyone on earth agrees Batman really needs a serious pep talk. So #sadbatman lept to the rescue. If you’d like to lose the rest of your day, there are new contributions to the meme popping up constantly here.

Memes can get a little too cute for my taste – everyone leaping over themselves to force a shared moment to happen causes a lot of bad jokes. But #sadbatman is a perfect example of getting it right. Man of Steel wasn’t as bad as people often complain, but it was a morose, overserious snore at times, and the unrelenting “darkness” of the photo released yesterday approaches a level of pretension usually seen only in high school poetry clubs, and suggests we’re in for the same and more come next summer. The piss needs to be taken out of it with a vengeance. Mission accomplished.

Yeah, this probably isn’t the reception Zach Snyder was hoping for, but so far Man of Steel 2: The Battening practically screams “fist fight in the rain”. And on the bright side, #hailhydra has now been eclipsed, so it’s probably a win. So read on then, and see some of our favorite Sad Batmans.

First up, Batman is sad because his first cup of coffee no longer does the trick. Found via @laughingsotic.


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The Robin Batfleck deserves, but not the one he needs right now. Via @derrekleigh.


Still better than Batman and Robin. Via @tfedderson.


Batman, sad because he’s been colorized. Found via @Syncos2.


Batman is sad after he’s been modded by Gentlemen of the Row. Via @Freschism.


Batman is super bummed after the Joker pulled away the football again. Via @tcote.


Batman is making a point about how it’s in really poor taste when white people think this means Cinco de Mayo, which makes him sad. Via @seanearley.


Batman, moping because he ruined his new paint job. Via @seanearley.


Batman really, really believed in Don Mattrick’s vision of completely captive consumers the future. Via @itsRadioPS.


Batman was psyched when he was hired to play Wedge Antilles, but then he found out it’s a cameo. Plus a special guest appearance by Sad Kanye. Via @refocusedmedia.


Truefact: Batman is a nevernude. Via @jcfletcher.


Batman has been slaving all day over this grill, but you drank all the beer and now he’s stuck with wine coolers. Via @dannyanimator.


Self explanatorily incredible. Via @the_mcgone.


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