
Shadow of Mordor Trailer Reveals Who Is Guiding the Hero

shadow of mordor

A new Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor trailer reveals the identity and history of the wraith aiding hero Talion.

In Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, players control Talion, a ranger with mysterious abilities. Voiced by Troy Baker, Talion is unable to stay dead and can force enemies to do as he wishes. Players will use this talent to gather information, take out leaders of enemy groups, or spread information to cause his enemies to fear him more. Talion also has a variety of combat abilities.

Until now, where Talion has gained these abilities has been a mystery, but now the identity of the wraith that has allied itself with him has been revealed. The new trailer for Shadow of Mordor tells the story of this Wraith, and it turns out the prediction of our own Greg Tito was correct.

Celebrimbor, who forged the Rings of Power with Sauron, was deceived as Sauron used this knowledge to create the One Ring. Now, he and Talion are connected, apparently as a result of both sharing similar torment. Players will learn more about the history of Celebrimbor through the game, according to the developer:

As Talion and the Wraith follow a promising trail, they find a series of ancient artifacts that trigger painful memories of the Wraith¹s history and his connection to the Rings of Power. The connection unites the two heroes to one common goal against Sauron, but also questions their path to redemption.


Also featured in the new trailer is Gollum, not voiced by Andy Serkis, but Liam O’Brien sounds perfect. He has also done the voice of Gollum in Guardians of Middle-earth.

Shadow of Mordor had its release date moved up a week, possibly to avoid launching on the same day as four other major games. Of course, Dragon Age: Inquisition was pushed back over a month, meaning Shadow of Mordor will own the fantasy action RPG spot for PS4 and Xbox One for a little while longer.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor launches on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on September 30th in North America and October 3rd in Europe. The PC and Steam versions will be available on October 2nd.

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