
Shigeru Miyamoto (Kind of) Confirms Nintendo’s New Hardware


Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto admits that Nintendo has been working on new hardware, but the father of Mario is keeping quiet on everything else.

Here’s a question: What do you do if you have Nintendo guru Shigeru Miyamoto with you in a closed-door session in London? What do you ask the man who could well be described as the father of modern gaming?

If you’re a games journalist, you’d probably ask him about Project Cafe, the rumored new Nintendo console scheduled for an E3 debut. In fact, that’s exactly what happened, according to, but Miyamoto hasn’t been in the industry for decades without learning how to deflect a question or two.

“Don’t ask!” he said. “Even when the Wii launched we were developing new hardware, work on 3DS had already started. It’s a matter of when we announce it.”

When pressed on whether the right time to announce it would be this year’s E3 as scheduled, Miyamoto politely declined: “Please wait. Be patient until we decide.”

So there you go. Nintendo is definitely working on new hardware, and has been for some time, but anything else – including rumored Project Cafe specs and designs are complete rumor and speculation.

Also, Shigeru Miyamoto must roll superb Reflex saves when he plays D&D.


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