
Shogun 2 Battle Report Besieges Your Castle

Holding a castle in feudal Japan is a lot harder than it looks.

I was pretty psyched for Shogun 2: Total War even before our very own Steve Butts took a look and liked what he saw, and while I don’t expect it to fully replace StarCraft II as my multiplayer strategy game of choice, I’m going to have a lot of fun conquering feudal Japan next year.

Judging from this Battle Report, I’ll need to work for it, though.

In the video here, Creative Assembly developers Kieran Bridgden and Ingimar Gudmunsson walk the viewer through an entire castle siege from start to finish. It’s a great look at how the actual RTS portion of the game works, though if you’re anything like me you’ll probably be trying to armchair general the video – and getting frustrated when the players in question don’t do what you would have done, dammit!

In all seriousness, this is exactly the sort of preview I love of games like the Total War series, with a full battle playing out as developers explain what’s going on.

Shogun 2 is out March 15, when all of you can try your hand at defending this very same castle.

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