Video Games

Should You Play as Saga or Alan in Alan Wake 2?

Image of Saga standing near teleport to play as Alan in Alan Wake 2.

Once you reach a certain point in Alan Wake 2, you’ll get the chance to switch between Saga or Alan to progress the main narrative. Question is, should you play as Saga or Alan through most of the game, and when is the best time to swap?

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When Should You Play as Saga or Alan in Alan Wake 2

After the initial chapters for Saga and Alan, the two protagonists will meet, and then you’ll gain the ability to jump between their stories to complete the game.

You can do this by using the janitor’s mop bucket of black goo found within specific safe havens that act as checkpoints. You’ll have free reign to decide where and when to swap, but for those curious about which character takes priority, you don’t have anything to worry about.

While the campaign is divided, experiencing the game as Saga or Alan doesn’t take away from the thrill of the narrative. Developer Remedy Entertainment provides this option as a way for you to enjoy the story in whatever style you choose. Saga is more geared toward newer players who didn’t experience the first Alan Wake game and follow her investigations, unlike Alan, who’s stuck in the ever-changing Dark Place and all its writing-based mechanics. 

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That said, all players should have no trouble dipping between the characters since Remedy developed the game to accommodate everyone regardless of what they’ve played. From my time playing Alan Wake 2, I found swapping protagonists after completing a chapter worked best for me. This way, you can stay looped in on both stories as mind-rattling discoveries are uncovered.

Alan Wake 2's Saga Anderson. But what do you do if her mind place isn't working?

Can You Play Alan Wake 2 Entirely as Saga?

You can play as Saga through most of Alan Wake 2, but the bottom line is that you’ll have to finish Alan’s story in the end. Choosing to experience the survivor horror this way plugs in some of the crucial background elements of Bright Falls if you didn’t play Alan Wake, so I’d only encourage going down this route if you’re a newcomer to the series.

Otherwise, feel free to rotate protagonists whenever you get the itch. At any time, nothing really steals away from the enjoyment of the other, so don’t worry too much. And that’s all you should know about playing as Saga or Alan in Alan Wake 2.

For more articles like this, check out all the weapons in Alan Wake 2 and how to upgrade them.  

About the author

Anthony Jones
Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.
    Anthony Jones
    Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.

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