Video Games

Should You Send Alidoro to Hotel Krat or to Venigni Works in Lies of P

Pinocchio battling a huge monster in Lies of P

Out of all the merchants players will encounter in Lies of P, Alidoro certainly has the most charisma to his name. Despite the eerie German Shepard mask that’s firmly strapped to his face, the classy weapons dealer is just trying his best to settle down in a place where he doesn’t have to worry about murderous puppets interrupting his lucrative dealings. Of course, since Pinocchio is clearly so traveled and well-versed in the art of dispatching killer robots, Alidoro will request his assistance in finding a safe haven. So what’s the best option to choose? If you’re wondering how you should respond to Alidoro’s plea, then read on, because we’ve got a handy guide for which decision you should make and the potential consequences of both options.

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Where Is Alidoro in Lies of P?

While Alidoro may be one of the more essential NPCs to discover in Lies of P, it’s very easy for players to miss him. To find the merchant, you’ll want to be in the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, that spooky location that houses the monstrous boss known as Fallen Archbishop Andreus. From the Stargazer, navigate to the upper floors (obviously dispatching any enemies that get in your way) and keep following the established paths until you come across an elevator. Ride it all the way up to the top of the Cathedral where you’ll find Alidoro standing next to a pillar, looking out of Krat and pondering his fate.

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The area he’s in is otherwise sparse with nothing of value expect him, so approach him and start chatting away. Alidoro immediately expresses his joy at seeing someone else “of sound mind” before requesting guidance and refuge. Now is the time to lie or tell the truth.

Should You Lie or Be Honest With Alidoro?

Right from the get go, let’s be clear that whatever choice you make will ultimately lead to the same outcome when it comes to Alidoro. The decision to be truthful or deceptive is more for what kind of game you’re playing and what ending you’re looking to achieve. When the merchant asks if you know of any safe places, you can be honest and tell him about Hotel Krat. If you go this route, he’ll thank you and make his way to the game’s home base. You can visit him there whenever you want to make use of his very unique wares which I’ll touch on in a bit. Telling the truth is the fastest way to get some of the best weapons in the game so it’s the option I recommend unless you’re going for an “Only Lie” playthrough.

Maybe you’re feeling like a silly little guy or just don’t trust a guy walking around with a VERY realistic German Shepard mask? If that’s the case, you can lie and tell Alidoro that the Venigni Works Puppet Factory is safe. Since you’ve recently just come from there, you know that’s not the case, even though you did a pretty good job of clearing out the robots prowling around the facility. If you do send him down this way, you can bump into him again at the Workshop Union Entrance Stargazer where he’s not at all impressed with your advice. Despite this, he’ll ask for help once again.

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At this point, you can come clean and tell him about Hotel Krat OR you can be a scamp again and insist that Elysion Boulevard is safe for him. Alidoro, to his credit, isn’t that thick as he figures out that Pinocchio is messing with him. Either way, the next time you see him he’ll be in Hotel Krat, set up on the ground floor in the West Wing.

What’s Alidoro’s Deal?

While Eugenie and her workshop are a great place to refine your weapons, if you want some of the best items in the game you’ll need to purchase them from Alidoro. Of course, his wares of VERY special to him so he’ll only sell to someone who has proven themselves. To do that, you’ll need to exchange Boss Ergo, a concept that will be familiar to anyone who has played the Dark Souls series. The weapons Alidoro sells are special in that they can’t be dismantled into parts but they can still be upgraded, which you should definitely do. He also sells amulets with special abilities that significantly enhance your combat potential. For this reason, don’t burn any Boss Ergo on leveling up Pinocchio, they’ll go further in acquiring better gear.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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