Community Features

Side Scroller Challenge: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

Recently, THQ*ICE, developers of the 2D side scroller, Dragonica Online issued a challenge to players: Play your regular 2D. Play Dragonica. Issue a report card. Win stuff. WarCry reader, Vince and yours truly are taking them at their word.


Join Vince and me over the next several days as we put our playing time and THQ*ICE’s money to the test. We will be working our way to level 19 in Dragonica and making in-game friends in the process to fulfill the requirements of the challenge. Oh…and we’re racing for THQ swag too!

The items include:

– A Dragonica Online t-shirt
– A Dragonica Online poster
– One of four Dragonica Online wall scrolls (rare)

Vince and I will also be playing our ‘regular’ 2D side-scrolling MMO (which shall remain nameless) in order for us to honestly give our opinions. We will post periodic updates on our progress at the WarCry Facebook page. We’ll be sure to include a few thoughts along the way.

Want to play along? We hope so! Check out the link above as well as the official Dragonica Online site and, more specifically, the the Side-Scroller Showdown page and join us!


Thanks to THQ*ICE for their support and swag! It is VERY much appreciated!

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