
Something for the Weekend

From Grim Fandango shoes, through knuckle-cracking simulators, to post-apocalyptic Lego; the internet is a pretty big place. Here’s some parts of it you might have missed.


Tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges, that’s all there is to know about foot bones right? Well someone’s feet also has a skull, ribs, sternum, hell, a whole skeleton, all wrapped up in a tuxedo! That’s because someone has a very nifty pair of custom Grim Fandango sneakers, featuring reluctant reaper Manny Calavera. The shoes are customized purple Converse High-Tops and are the work of veteran shoe artist Kyozo Kicks. If you’ll excuse my awful Spanish, ¡Madre Dios, es los zapatos de los muertos! (Source: Offworld)


If Grim Fandango shoes don’t tickle your funny bone (sorry), perhaps you’d be more into some post-apocalyptic Lego? If you’re anything like me, you’ve longed to recreate a post-apocalyptic wasteland in Lego, and apparently Lego artisan Dr. X is just like me, and has created some amazing vehicles complete with drivers and weapons. It’s a bit like Resident Evil: Apocalypse, except without all that crummy acting and the excessive Mila Jovovich. Sadly, Lego are yet to make a Humungus mini-fig, but we can dream, can’t we? (Source: The Brothers Brick)


While we’re on the subject of bones – ignoring the brief Lego interlude of course – don’t you just love the sound of cracking knuckles? Or course you do, any right-minded person does, but do you ever consider the damage you could be doing to your fingers? Well, a solution is at hand (again, sorry) with this neat little device from Japan. This little toy simulates the glorious sound of knuckles cracking, with all the stress-relief and none of the arthritis. You can buy one, but you kinda need to be able to read Japanese. (Source: Tokyo Mango)


But enough toys, how about something educational? A is for Ackbar, B is for Bantha, C is for Chirpa; yep you guessed it, Star Wars does the alphabet. This one has been kicking around for a while now, so apologies if you’ve seen it before, but it’s just so charming that I had to share. They’re the work of Michael Fleming, creator of the webcomic Putrid Pal, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the release of Star Wars (I told you they were old) and are the perfect thing when you have younglings you need to edumacate! (Source: Flickr via The Daily What)


And to wrap up, we have a solution to a common problem. You’re walking round Cyrodiil like a total n00b, while all around you people are riding round on their totally pimp horses. Well now you can have the pimpest horse ever, Sprinkles the Ponycorn! Part pony, part unicorn, all awesome! Well, maybe not awesome, but certainly amusing. Sprinkles is available for download for the PC version of Oblivion, that is if you desperately want to arrive in Cheydinhal on the back of something pink. Also, PONY JAM 09! WOOO! (Source: FilePlanet)

If you have any tips or links you think we’d be interested in, drop us a line at [email protected]

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