
Sony Advertising Brings Kevin Butler of War III

Did you really think that Sony’s marketing team wouldn’t use the hilarious Kevin Butler series to promote God of War III? Really?

Yada yada, Funk loves Kevin Butler, blah blah, would bear his children if laws of nature allowed for it, etc. In today’s episode of the “Sony’s Advertising Department Finally Got It Together Chronicles,” the Sony rep – now promoted to Regional Manager of War (which is up there with Bandai’s Chief Gundam Officer in terms of coolest job titles ever) – tries to help a young lady whose boyfriend is absorbed by Kratos’ revenge-a-thon. Well, sort of. Okay, maybe he doesn’t actually help her. A man of his stature is busy, you know!

Sony also revealed a new 15-second TV spot for GoW3 that, while doing a very good job at making the game look cool as all hell, is Kevin-Butler-less and therefore not worthy of comment. But we’ll embed it below nonetheless, just for the hell of it.

(Via PS Blog)

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