
Sony: Uptake of 3D TV Will Outpace High Definition


Gaming will be a big incentive to get people to switch to 3D equipment says Sony’s Andrew House.

Sony Europe boss House thinks that 3D movies, TV shows, and games will be a bigger hit with consumers than high definition media was, and that the adoption of the technology will be much quicker.

House thought that the shift to 3D would depend on having the content available, and that it was a good sign that UK broadcasters like Sky – whose role in promoting HD TV he said had been very significant – were already supporting 3D. He acknowledged, however, that economic considerations would likely slow the transition.

Rather than there being a particular tipping point when everyone jumped on the 3D bandwagon, he thought that the adoption of 3D TV would be a more gradual process and said that 3D gaming – which was an experience he thought was difficult to replicate outside the home environment – would be a key factor in getting people to switch.

It’s hard to see people replacing perfectly good high definition televisions just for 3D, but with the backing of broadcasters, and the eventual reduction in price of 3D equipment, the technology will almost certainly become a lot more commonplace. Unfortunately, it’s hard to agree or disagree with House assessment of when that will be, because the timeline he proposes is so vague.

Source: MCV

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