
Sorry, Wii U Owners, no Watch Dogs DLC For You

Watch Dogs Gun Down

Ubisoft confirmed that its upcoming Bad Blood DLC for Watch Dogs won’t be coming to the Wii U.

Poor Wii U owners. After a lengthy delay, and even cancellation rumors, Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs will finally make its way to the system this Fall. And now, if that almost half-year delay wasn’t a big enough slap in the face for you, Ubisoft has announced that the Wii U version of the game won’t even be getting DLC.

During a live-stream event for Watch Dogs‘ upcoming single-player Bad Blood DLC, the official Watch Dogs Twitter account responded to a query regarding the DLC’s availability on Wii U. It said, rather definitively, “No, the Wii U version will not have the DLC.”

While this isn’t confirmation that the platform will not be seeing any DLC for Watch Dogs, we can probably safely assume this will be the case. Certainly bad news for Wii U fans who have been patiently waiting for the game, to hear that they will have an “incomplete” version.

This kind of thing isn’t without precedent, either. Back in January Warner Bros. announced that it was cancelling all DLC planned for the Wii U version of Batman: Arkham Origins. Meanwhile, big-name publisher EA seems to have cancelled all support of the console entirely.

This kind of thing really isn’t helping the “Nintendo sucks with third-party games,” image that people have of the company…

Source: Twitter via Game Spot

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