
Spider Man Flubs Good Morning America Catch, Offers Back Rubs In Shame

You’d think someone with spider reflexes would at least flinch a little when she falls on him.

It’s tough being Spider Man; women just throw themselves at you. It helps if you catch them on the way down, but clearly this particular Spider Man didn’t get the memo. If you want to hear about the upcoming movie – not that anyone says anything earth shattering – by all means listen to the whole bit, but if you came here to see the pratfall of shame, shoot along to 3.45.

Nobody but his agent knows the man behind the mask, which is probably just as well. Good job he was promoting the Amazing Spider Man 2 movie and not the ill-fated musical which, as luck would have it, is due to wrap up its New York run and head to Vegas soon.

Ordinarily I’d say break a leg right about now, but that seems unsporting. Happy New Year!

Source: ABC News

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