
Star Wars 3D Short Shows Why Han Really Dumped Jabba’s Cargo

Han Solo got in hot water for dumping Jabba’s cargo during a smuggling run, and now we know the truth of the situation thanks to an animated short.

In the Star Wars movies, Han Solo was once forced to dump a load of Jabba the Hutt’s cargo because of trouble with the Empire, which led to Greedo trying to blast him in the “Han shot first” situation. This animated short which won “Best Animation” at the official Lucasfilm Fan Movie Challenge during Star Wars Celebration V tells the true story of the cargo dump, and does it in stereoscopic 3D no less.

To properly view the short, you’ll have to be wearing a pair of red/cyan glasses that you might find in a comic book or toy store. It was created as a student film by a class at the Dave School, a digital animation and visual effects school in Universal Studios at Orlando, Florida.

Titled “The Solo Adventures,” the five minute story mixes some absolutely top-tier animation, despite a really mouthy Han, with a classic subject from the Star Wars universe. It’s got action, explosions, and a funny ending, making it a must-see for any Star Wars nut. Now to see if I can dig up my 3D glasses.

Source: Vimeo, via io9

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