
Street Fighter X Tekken Patch Introduces Game Breaking Bug

Players maining Rolento may want to avoid update 1.04.

Or download it immediately, if you enjoy hard resets. The 1.04 patch for Capcom’s latest fighting game – the one with the cannibal problem – does fix some of the game’s weird hit box issues, but it also introduces something a lot worse. The game will crash, requiring a hard reset, whenever Rolento’s knife attack makes contact with another projectile.

The video below shows the glitch in action:

It’s a minor issue, and unfortunately nowhere near as chuckle-inducing as the aerodynamically-challenged dragons Bethesda accidentally introduced in one of its Skyrim patches, but it’s more bad publicity that the game can ill afford right now. Especially given that, despite selling over a million copies thus far, SFXT isn’t meeting Capcom’s sales expectations.

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