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Striking Distance’s New Game Isn’t PUBG, but a Space Horror Game Called The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol striking distance studios

As announced during The Game Awards 2020, Striking Distance Studios’ new game is not related to PUBG at all, but is rather a new horror game called The Callisto Protocol. Striking Distance is led by Glen Schofield, the creator of Dead Space — so it’s no surprise The Callisto Protocol looks eerily similar. It’s referred to as a “terrifying, story-driven, survival horror game set in a prison colony on Jupiter’s dead moon Callisto.”

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Check out its terrifyingly beautiful trailer below.

While we didn’t get to see gameplay just yet, the game’s description on the official website describes it as a mix of “horror, action, and immersive storytelling.” If EA won’t give us a new Dead Space game, it looks like Striking Distance Studios will. We’ll be eagerly anticipating the release of The Callisto Protocol until it launches sometime in 2022 for next-gen consoles and PC.

About the author

Joseph Yaden
I'm Joseph! I love Nintendo and horror games. When I'm not writing about video games I can usually be found petting my cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. Meshuggah is tight.
Joseph Yaden
I'm Joseph! I love Nintendo and horror games. When I'm not writing about video games I can usually be found petting my cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. Meshuggah is tight.

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