Critical Miss





Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of today’s comic. Take a rest, you’ve earned it.

You might notice that today’s strip doesn’t have my name on it. This is deliberate. I didn’t write it. In fact, if I had pitched a strip to Cory that required sixty-three (and a bit) panels he probably would have laughed in my face. He’s perfectly willing, however, to illustrate his own ridiculously long epics. Thus, today’s strip is all Cory, all the time, as it were. I’m still getting paid for it though; Grey always gets his cut.

In other news, I’m now the latest member of the Escapist News Team which means you may see my name floating around the website slightly more than usual. If you enjoy watching me wrestle with the English language on a bi-weekly basis here under Critical Miss, then waddle on over to the news section where you may peruse my linguistic wares further. Do it. Do it, Goddamn it. I’m not just some dancing, dick-joke-making monkey here for you entertainment. I’m a journalist now. I’m kind of a big deal.

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