
SugarDVD Bringing Interactive Porn to Oculus Rift

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Get ready for some Sugar – right in the face!

Remember SugarDVD? It’s the multiplatform streaming porn service responsible for various “blasts” headlines that have appeared on this site over the years. You can get it on just about any console or mobile device you care to name, and now it’s on its way to the Oculus Rift VR headset.

But this is more than just an up-close – I mean, really up-close – look at, say, Amateur Night Volume 7, one of the few titles on the SugarDVD main page that I can mention without getting fired.

“Most companies have been focused on the gaming aspects of Oculus Rift, but SugarDVD plans to focus on how to put users into their favorite adult movie,” the company said in a statement. “With affordable virtual reality around the corner, this adult company is looking to spearhead the future of porn by working with multiple motion capture studios in Los Angeles to create content for Oculus Rift.”

SugarDVD hopes to have a beta demo of its Oculus Rift offering, featuring some of its most popular performers and scenes, within the next couple of months. And just as it is with video games, this beta test needs beta testers. “We will pick the first batch of testers out of our subscriber list, so sign up if you want to get your hands on our virtual reality app first!” the company said.

“Get your hands on it,” eh? That’s what she said! Seriously, it was in the press release. Anyway, as usual with SugarDVD posts, no links whatsoever will be provided.

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