Summer E Games

Summer E Games “Flash Game Playoffs” – Hosted by Kongregate


The Summer E Games were designed to implement events that test your creativity, your ingenuity, and your knowledge. Now it’s time to show off your gaming skills so stretch your fingers, clean your keyboard and warm up your mouse, the Summer E Games event “Flash Game Playoffs” has begun.

Kongregate is helping us out and hosting 10 games where participants will be going up against each others in a variety of challenges for gold, silver and bronze medals for their Escapist profiles.

The Rules

You must be a member of The Escapist to participate. If you aren’t already, please sign up HERE.

While you are on your profile page, go ahead and make sure your Kongregate username is filled in, along with your country so you’ll show up in the standings.

You must also register with Kongregate by using
THIS LINK. Once at Kongregate go to the top of the page and click on the “Register” button to create an account. Closing this page prior making an account will create an invalid account. Please re-click our link and register.

Even if you already have a Kongregate username, please add “TheEscapist” (one word) to your friends list so you are able to compete. Not inviting us to your friends list means we cannot see your scores, which in turn means all your hard work will be for nothing!

The Games

There will be a new game each day, starting August 17th and running for 24 hours (12PM to 12PM).

We will be updating this page every day with the “game of the day”, so make sure to check back for the daily updates. We will also be updating the winners and linking them from this page as well, so come back daily!

PLEASE NOTE: Failure to create your account using our link (if you need an account)will result in this event being null and void for you. That means you can’t get any goodies. Also, failure to update your Escapist profile with your Kongregate username will make you inactive.

Summer E Games Forums

Head over to the Summer E Games Forums for more fun and events!

By participating in this contest, contestants grant Themis Group, Inc. the right to print, publish, broadcast and use worldwide in any media now known or hereafter developed, including, without limitation, the World Wide Web, at any time or times, the contestant’s name, as news or for public information and education without additional consideration or compensation. Any entry becomes the property of Themis Group, Inc. and will not be returned. Entrants surrender copyright and all interests therein of their submissions to Themis Group, Inc. with the understanding that the materials may be used for promotional purposes.

By participating in the contest, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and agree to Themis Group, Inc.’s privacy policy.

Employees of Themis Group, Inc., and its subsidiaries or affiliates, and any family members and/or household members of these employees, are excluded from the contest.

Entrants release Themis Group, Inc. and its respective parent divisions, affiliates, officers, subsidiaries, agents, employees and all others associated with the development and execution of this giveaway from and against any liability with respect to or in any way arising from this contest and the awarding and use of the prizes.

Tampering with the giveaway in any manner is prohibited. Themis Group, Inc. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine whether the contest has been tampered with. Themis Group, Inc. reserves the right to disqualify any entrant it suspects or has determined, in its sole discretion, has tampered with the promotion or submitted multiple entries. If Themis Group, Inc. determines that the contest has been tampered with, it reserves the right to terminate the contest without awarding any prizes. Themis Group, Inc. shall not be responsible for any entry not received due to network outages; failed, incomplete, garbled, or delayed computer transmissions; online failures; hardware, software or other technical malfunctions or disturbances; or any other communications or transmission failure.

Participation in any part of the Themis Group, Inc.’s “Summer E Games” implies an understanding and acceptance of these rules and regulations.

Void where prohibited.

About the author

RP Digest #3

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