
Super Smash Bros. For 3DS/Wii U Nintendo Direct Coming Soon

smash bros nintendo direct

A Smash Bros. focused Nintendo Direct is coming later this month.

Nintendo are bloody fantastic at drip feeding us Smash Bros. news via is official Super Smash Bros. For Nitnendo 3DS/Wii U official website, but now it looks like it’s going for something a little more… direct. So, Nintendo has announced an upcoming “Nintendo Direct” event that will exclusively be about Smash Bros. The event will be broadcast on April 8, at 3 pm PT, where Nintendo promises to “share new details about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.”

Previous Nintendo Direct Events have offered new information about upcoming games, new features for Nintendo’s consoles, and even revealed completely unannounced games. Nintendo started the practice back in 2011, and seems to be finding it quite effecting, opting to eschew its traditional E3 press conference last year in favor of a Nintendo Direct.

As for what the Smash Bros. direct may reveal, well, the smart money is on new and returning characters, but we’ve got our fingers crossed for an actual release date announcement. Nintendo have yet to offer an official date, but have stated that it will release sometime in 2014.

Source: Nintendo

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