
Super Smash Bros. Sells One Million Copies in Two Days

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Japanese fans snapped up a million copies of Nintendo’s latest mascot fighter over the weekend.

To say Super Smash Bros. is one of the most hotly anticipated franchises of all time is something of an understatement, so to tell you that its latest iteration sold over a million copies in just two days shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise. What is somewhat surprising is that these are the figures for the 3DS version of the game, and only the Japanese release. It looks that while people had their doubts that the handheld version would sell well, the Japanese public has spoken with their wallets to the contrary.

Nintendo says that both physical retail and digital download sales contributed to this figure, and it marks forth 3DS game to hit the sales milestone in Nintendo’s homeland after two days, following Monster Hunter 4, Pokemon X and Y, and local favorite Pokemon-a-like Yokai Watch 2. The 3DS version of the game is currently slated for release on October 3.

If we’re getting these kind of massive numbers for the portable version, one can only imagine how much bigger they will be for the console version, which is traditionally where Smash fans have duked it out. The official release date for the Wii U version is “Holiday, 2014”, though a leaked released date suggests we may get it as early as winter.

For fans dedicated enough to buy both releases, they’ll be rewarded with a free soundtrack, as well as the ability to use their 3DS as a Wii U controller.

Source: Nintendo via GameSpot

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