
Tex Murphy Gets a Kickstart

The guys behind the old Tex Murphy adventure games are looking for a little bit of Kickstarter help to bring the series back.

It’s been awhile since we last heard from ol’ Tex Murphy, a private dick struggling to make a living in the mean streets of post-World War 3 San Francisco. He first turned up in the 1989 release Mean Streets and was last seen in 1998, in Tex Murphy: Overseer. But he may be on his way back: Big Finish Games, an indie studio founded by veterans of the defunct Tex Murphy originator Access Software, is getting ready to try its luck with Kickstarter.

It’s all very preliminary right now, and in fact Big Finish isn’t after your money at this point but your ideas for Kickstarter incentives, “Tex Murphy testimonials” and whatever else is on your mind – although suggestions about ditching the god-awful full-motion video are probably best left unsaid.

“Big Finish vows that this is their ninth and final attempt to revive the series,” the pre-Kickstarter video says. “Help us get the word out so we can bring Tex back, or else it’s the ‘big sleep’ for Tex!”

For those who missed out on the late and completely unlamented full-motion video era, it came and went mercifully quickly in the early to mid-90s era, hand-in-hand with the rise of the “multimedia PC,” and is now seen primarily as an embarrassing cautionary tale about the dangers of over-reliance on new and immature technology. And hey, who wouldn’t want to kick in money to bring that back, right?

A new Tex Murphy game is still a long way off, but you can get a heads-up on what the team has in mind at the Big Finish Games YouTube channel.

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