PAX East 2014

The Best Of Cosplay At PAX East 2014 – Day 2

The second day of PAX East was even more cosplaytastic than day one. Click and find out why.

Day 2 of PAX East 2014 has come and gone, and with it, the hopes and dreams of a thousand pairs of feet who’d hoped to make it to old age without fallen arches. But if anyone was feeling tired midway through, you wouldn’t know it from the kick ass cosplayers who came out in force and represented, hard. Day 2, as it turned out, had an even stronger showing than day one, with Marvel characters, Street Fighter, er, fighters, and yes, plenty of League of Legends for everyone.

It was hard to pick our favorites, but we managed to narrow it down somewhat. Here are some of the best costumes we saw on Saturday at PAX East. And don’t be shy: let us know in comments and on the forums which ones you like best. We’ll start tonight with Shyvana from League of Legends, mainly because she’ll strike us down with furious anger, and we will know her name is the Lord if we don’t.


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The funny thing about the Dark Knight Trilogy Batman costume is that it makes you look like Christian Bale, regardless of whether you have his commitment to crazy weight loss or weight gain for roles.


Skull Kid from Zelda managed to make his way out of the Lost Woods. Hopefully he lives in Boston and won’t have to wander America Hyrule forever.


“When hell freezes over, I’ll start calling it Boston.”


Readers, we put it to you to identify this one, because we’re just exhausted enough not to know. Truefact: it is kind of incredible.


Likewise, anyone who knows this one speak now. It’s great, but I don’t even.


OK, we know that’s Ashe on the right, but who’s that on the left? Other than number one candidate for best dressed at the Easter tea party, I mean.


PAX gets PAX cosplay. The circle is now complete. Everything that exists is a reference to something else. I’m not even a person anymore, I’m just context for this paragraph. And I love it.


The World Ends With You, but not with these guys, who deserve many high fives for relative obscurity and also being kind of awesome.


Cammy is by far the least practically-dressed of all the Street Fighter contestants. But that’s ok, you don’t have to be practical if you can kick ass. Just ask Cyborg Liberace.


This is, um. Yeah I got nothing. Forums, can you help? Who are these Hyrulian-looking ladies guarding this Red Riding Hood-looking lady?


I have no idea who this is, but I’ll pretend it’s Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Commenters, inform away.


This is, um, Final Fantasy something something, right? Once again, I call on the power of the commenters for help identifying it.


I. Love. This. Costume. And, ahem, I don’t know what it is. Commenters, you know the drill.

UPDATE: It’s Atomic Wonder Woman, from Infinite Crisis.


Skyrim. This has to be a Skyrim costume, right? Surely our lovely commenters will know for sure, and not be too unkind to those of us who don’t.


We think this is Lyssandra from LOL. What about you, O perfect and wonderful readers? The Readers have spoken. It’s Liliana of the Veil. Thanks guys.


Deadpool probably knows he’s in this picture, he’s JUST THAT META. Ghost Rider on the other hand, it depends on whether or not Nic Cage is under that suit.


All photos by Janelle Bonnano, Editor in Chief of The Escapist’s sister site Game Front..

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