
The Escapist Holiday 2008 Buyer’s Guide

Holiday shopping time! It’s a little rough every year – agonizing over finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, wondering if you’ll be able to find that special thing in time. That’s why we’re here with our holiday shopping guide. Each day carries a different theme, representing different sorts of people with great gifts sure to be winners. Just find the days that best match your giftees and buy with confidence. Happy holidays!

Because everyone’s favorite part of the James Bond movies was always Q. Don’t act like it isn’t true.

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You’ve played all the other games on this list already. You’re looking for something that shows your friends you really know the unique and special games. Have yourself a merry little Christmas and pluck one of these 2008 gems off the shelf.

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If you are the social guru who’s always plugged into your network of family and friends, these are the games for you.

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The Net Set is the new Jet Set. In short, you’re busy, so you want to hit the highlights of 2008. Whether or not you’ll be home for Christmas, you can game in style with these.

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Attention kids from age one to 92! These are the five cutest, brightest and most lovable releases of 2008.

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