
The Last Guardian Isn’t Dead, According To Sony


We just want to be confident when we release this one, says Yoshida.

The Last Guardian, Sony’s long-delayed boy-and-incredibly-cute-griffin fantasy game, is still alive, according to Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida. “If you visit Japan Studio there are lots of people working on it,” says Yoshida, but he went on to say that “we really want to be confident next time when we introduce The Last Guardian to the public, so we are waiting for that time to come.”

His comments were echoed by Software Product Development Head for Sony Worldwide Studios America, Scott Rohde. “So, we’re not talking about when The Last Guardian is coming out,” said Rohde, “but it is still a game that there’s a lot of love for inside PlayStation walls, because everybody sees how emotionally driven that the entire fan base of PlayStation always responds with when we talk about The Last Guardian.” Even so, Rohde refused to announce any details about the title. He was only prepared to say it was alive, nothing more.

The last we heard of this one, its former creative supervisor Fumito Ueda said it was in good hands, but that was all he said, and there’s been nothing since.

Source: CVG, Joystiq

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