
The News Room

One of Edward R. Murrow’s most recognizable utterances is “We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.” This quote seems especially meaningful to me today, as we christen The Escapist News Room.

The game industry is growing; both in size and in relevance. It is only fitting therefore that we at The Escapist should grow with it. We’re proud to be able to bring you both news and community forums on our anniversary, and sincerely hope that our new offerings fall in line with what you’ve come to expect from The Escapist.

The News Room in particular, we believe, should serve as a wake-up call to the gaming press which has become far too complacent of late. Our veteran newshound, N. Evan Van Zelfden will be taking the helm for us on this news-only extension, and will be joined by the editors who have been bringing you The Escapist this past year. The time has long since passed for insightful, informed gaming news, and we hope now to provide that.

But do not confuse our dissent with disloyalty.

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Dark Messiah Comes to Austin

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