
The Romantics Sue Over Guitar Hero Cover

Activision and Wavegroup Sound, the publisher and sound recorder for the massive hit game Guitar Hero, have been sued by The Romantics for a cover recording of the band’s song.

The 1980s-era Detroit-based rock band claims the cover for “What I like About You” bears too much similarity to the original.

While the in-game usage was obtained by permission, the rock group has successfully sued over the song’s use in television commercials in the past.

Band singer Wally Palmer pronounced himself “very upset” at the game’s inclusion of the song. The Romantics spent years perfecting a “distinctive sound,” he said.

The group’s attorney, William Horton, honed in on the game’s massive sales and expected revenue.

“The sales of this game are huge,” he said. “We’re all for good commerce. We just want to share in it.”


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