The Stuff of LegendsVideo Series

The Story of EverQuest’s Unkillable Dragon – The Stuff of Legends

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In this episode of The Stuff of Legends, Frost recounts the story of the unkillable dragon from EverQuest.

The Story of the Unkillable Dragon in EverQuest – Transcript

Okay, alright you can put me down now. It’s time for another story. This has everything. Dragons. Betrayal. Bad faith corporate malarkey.

A long time ago, in 1999 Sony Entertainment Online published an  MMORPG called EverQuest. As one of the older MMOs that helped shape the future of the genre, it has many of the features common in today’s MMOs like questing, looting, and dungeon raiding, but it also has what is still considered to be one of the most legendary raid bosses of all time.

About the author

Sebastian Ruiz
Sebastian Ruiz joined The Escapist in June 2021, but has been failing his way up the video game industry for years. He went from being a voice actor, whose most notable credit is Felicia Day mistaking him for Matt Mercer in the game Vaporum, to a video editor with a ten-year Smite addiction, to a content creator for the aforementioned Hi-Rez MOBA, before focusing his attention on game development and getting into freelance QA. With a lack of direction, Sebastian sought out The Escapist as a place to work with like-minded individuals and fuel his ambitions. While he enjoys dabbling in all kinds of games to expand his horizons, even the worst roguelikes can get his attention.
Sebastian Ruiz
Sebastian Ruiz joined The Escapist in June 2021, but has been failing his way up the video game industry for years. He went from being a voice actor, whose most notable credit is Felicia Day mistaking him for Matt Mercer in the game Vaporum, to a video editor with a ten-year Smite addiction, to a content creator for the aforementioned Hi-Rez MOBA, before focusing his attention on game development and getting into freelance QA. With a lack of direction, Sebastian sought out The Escapist as a place to work with like-minded individuals and fuel his ambitions. While he enjoys dabbling in all kinds of games to expand his horizons, even the worst roguelikes can get his attention.

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