
The Week in Review

On this week’s edition Bungie surprises the world, and porn stars urge you to pay for your entertainment.

Are You a Porn Pirate?


Videogames aren’t the the only industry to suffer from piracy; the porn industry is feeling the pinch too, which is why a collection of performers and directors – including Ron Jeremy and Kimberly Kane of I Hit It With My Axe fame – have gathered together to urge you to pay for your adult entertainment. The video is nudity free, but it is about porn, so hit the link – at your own discretion – to watch it. (link)

Bungie’s Surprising Deal


Bungie is to partner with Activision to publish its new, post-Halo IP. The deal, which lasts an entire decade, gives Activision the exclusive right to publish the new games over multiple platforms, with Bungie retaining the actual rights to the IP. The announcement is pretty historic, but is so out of left field that it’s taken a lot of people by surprise. (link)

Activision Gets Sued Again


Getting sued by Infinity Ward staff members must be getting close to being passé for Activision. A second suit is being brought against the company over unpaid royalties, this time from a group of 38 current and former IW staff members who are seeking hundreds of millions of dollars for both unpaid bonuses and punitive damages after claiming that effectively Activision tried to hold them hostage by withholding the money they were owed. (link)

All Hail the Destroyer, Pikachu!


Let’s be honest here, Pokémon can get a little weird from time to time, but never “rise from your watery slumber and destroy us all” weird. We should be thankful then, that a mystery artist has filled that gap for us, and given us pokémon that we can have terrifying nightmares about. I’m not sure which is more scary, the exposed brain of Psyduck, or the cold dead eyes of Kingler. (link)

StarCraft 2 Gets Go-Karts


The StarCraft 2 map editor is a pretty versatile thing; in fact, it’s so versatile that someone used it to make a little go-karting game. It’s not exactly Mario Kart, but considering that the editor has only been available for a couple of weeks, it’s really rather impressive. My favourite part is the custom unit “Sweet Ass Go-Kart”. Hit the link to watch the video. (link)

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Magic 8-Ball Points Towards Infamous 2

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