Cosplay Galleries

The Year in Cosplay: Our 100 Favorites From 2014 (Part Four)


In Part 4, we pit Blizzcon fans against League of Legend Fans. Everyone wins!

2014 might finally be over, ut we’re still looking back on the year for just a couple more days. Now, you might have noticed that The Escapist looked back on 2014 and awarding the best of the year in all categories we cover (see our best of the year nominees here.) Well, almost all. If you’re particularly astute, you’ve also noticed that while we here on the Comics and Cosplay channel have nominated comics for end of the year awards, we didn’t actually nominate any cosplayers.

That’s because 2014 was been an absolute goldmine of incredible cosplay, and there was almost too much to pick from. Whether it was great video game cosplay at the various PAX conventions, the insanely competitive outfits on display at San Diego Comic-Con, the nuclear explosion of artistry that is Dragoncon, or any other the other conventions and events we covered, we were, time and time again, completely blown away. As a result, we couldn’t narrow our selections down to just 1 “best of”. But lucky for you, our indecision is your gain, because we’re celebrating the year in cosplay by showcasing our 100 favorite costumes from throughout the year.

Related: see The Year In Cosplay part one, part two, and part three.

Whether you made your first costume, have been cosplaying for years, pricked your fingers sticking in pins, or styled that wig just right, we want to applaud you for your awesome work (and maybe ask for some advice for our next costume).

Today and pay attention for the final installments of our look back on cosplay in 2014. Read on, and see part four of the series, selected by Ross Lincoln…


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This incredible Countess Von Kerrigan costume is brought to you by Maghia Cosplay. Check out her Facebook page or her Twitch for more.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014

tokyo game show cosplay 06 - the evil within

This The Evil Within costume blew our own Stephen Bogos’ mind back in September, with good reason. Check out all its majesty!

Spotted at: Tokyo Game Show


It’s hard to decide who goes more all-out, Blizzard fanatics or League of Legends fanatics. This Graves makes the case for LOL. Damn, son.

Spotted at: The League of Legends World Championships.

genderswapped blingtron and pimp

I loved everything about this Genderswapped Blingtron and her pimp, including the quest-giver exclamation point.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014


This cardboard Optimus Prime is itching to deliver sweet robotic justice to particle board Deceptacons.

Spotted at: Tokyo Game Show


Holy crap. Rengar and Jax.

Spotted at: The League of Legends World Championships.

crazy bird thing

Holy crap. I mean, I don’t even know how to describe the incredible mind blowingness of this Anzu costume. I guess we’re back to “Blizzard fanatics are the most hardcore.”

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014


I’m just going to quote Stephen Bogos from his TGS gallery:

“Can I take a picture?” I asked this Midna in Japanese. “I’m American,” she replied, in English. “Sorry, I couldn’t tell because of the make-up!”

Spotted at: Tokyo Game Show


What can be said, except that this Morderkaiser will tear you apart. Glorious.

Spotted at: The League of Legends World Championships.

naga siren

This Naga Siren was created by Amy Dunlap of Living Art Cosplay. When you’re done gasping with disbelief at how great it is, head over to her official site and see more of her work.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014

pax aus cosplay 16

We’ll have more amazing Borderlands cosplay in the final installment of this series, but here’s an appetizer, this incredible Mordecai and intricate Lilith.

Spotted at: PAX Australia 2014


Here’s something you don’t see every day. An insanely tall and insanely complex Aziz.

Spotted at: The League of Legends World Championships.

diablo 3 unicorn whimsy shire

This Diablo 3 Unicorn isn’t the most elaborate thing we saw in 2014, but sometimes being kind of hilarious and adorable all at once is enough to make the top 100.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014

pax aus cosplay day 2 014 - league of legends - sona, frosted ezreal, frozen annie

Here’s Sona, Frosted Ezreal, and the world’s best Frostfire Annie costume.

Spotted at: Pax Australia.

pax aus cosplay day 3 018 hearthstone cards

I love that they’re cosplaying as things that represent things you’d normally make costumes of, rather than the things themselves.

Spotted at: Pax Australia.

treasure goblin

Is this treasure goblin great? Before you answer that, make sure you know where your wallet is.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014

pax aus cosplay day 2 016 - borderlands 2 handsome jack

Another Borderlands appetizer, I still can’t believe how incredible this Handsome Jack (with Claptrap) outfit is. Damn.

Spotted at: Pax Australia.

pax aus cosplay day 3 003 hotline miami

Simple, yet extremely spot-on, this Hotline Miami outfit ably demonstrates that cosplay doesn’t have to be elaborate to be incredible.

Spotted at: Pax Australia.

blizzcon 04

I love this Witch Doctor, accompanied by a towering Gargantuan zombie.

Spotted at: Blizzcon 2014

pax aus cosplay day 2 020 adventure time bmo

We’ll leave you today with this super adorable take on Adventure Time‘s BMO. Just looking at this costume makes me feel radder, faster… more adequate.

Spotted at: Pax Australia.

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Scarlett Johansson to Star in Ghost in the Shell Live-Action Film

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