
THQ Forms New Studio

Formation of Carlsbad-based Incinerator Games announced. Studio primarily focused on development for next-gen consoles.

The addition of Incinerator Games is another example of THQ’s “dedication to enhance and expand our internal development capabilities,” said Jack Sorensen, executive vice president of worldwide studios, THQ. “We’re really excited to see the Incinerator team begin to bring its own ideas for next generation development to THQ.”

Recently, the publisher has been purchasing or forming new internal development houses. Recent examples include KAOS Studios in February of this year, Vigil Games in March, and Paradigm Entertainment in May.

Incinerator is currently working on next-gen versions of Pixar’s latest movie Cars. The game is scheduled for release on the Xbox360 and Wii this fall. The team is also working on future projects for next-gen systems.

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Development in a Vacuum

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