
‘Tis the Season for Halloween Light Shows

Animating house decorations to popular songs has become a bit of a thing.

Advances in computer animation and programming have allowed even amateurs to create sophisticated demonstrations. Of course, that usually amounts to shiny blinking lights on a house synchronized with popular music, usually holiday-themed. This Halloween season – coming up next week! – is no different, with several displays set to such rousing numbers as “This Is Halloween” from Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas and covered by the 1990’s favorite shockrocker Marilyn Manson.

If the comic scariness of that tune is too much for you, you could always set your light Halloween light display to an obnoxious pop song from LMFAO:

Or even this year’s nauseous hit “Gangnam Style”:

Sigh. Well, Happy Halloween. Boo. I’ll stick with the best scary song ever written by Michael Jackson – “Thriller”.

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