
Titanfall is Going Full Open Beta – Update 3

Titanfall Mech

‘Let’s break it’ says Titanfall coder Jon Shiring.

Update 3: Various reports are coming in that prospective PC beta players need only open up an Origin support ticket, by selecting Titanfall from product list, selecting PC as the platform, selecting “Titanfall beta access” as the topic, and clicking the “email” link and writing that they would like to get beta access to Titanfall to try it out. Apparently if you do this, Origin will send you out a beta key!

(Thanks, Mathew Williams!)

Update 2: Apparently, in Respawn Entertainment language, “fully open” means “fully open until we hit an arbitrary number,” and it seems that that number has been hit, at least for the PC version of the beta. The beta sign-up page now simply displays the following message:

“Thanks for your interest in the beta! We’ve reached the maximum number of sign-ups and can’t accept any more at this time. We’ll see you in March!”

Source: Respawn Entertainment

Update: As promised, the beta is now fully open on both Xbox One and PC. Xbox One users should be able to download it via the Xbox One dashboard, but PC users will still have to “sign up” via the beta webpage to get access to the game.

Source: Twitter

Original Story: Fans following Respawn entertainment’s big robot shooter Titanfall were ecstatic to learn that beta signups opened earlier this week. However, that enthusiasm petered out a little, when they found that only a limited number of keys were trickling down the pipe into player’s inboxes. Now, it looks like Respawn is blowing the whole thing open, with lead dev Vince Zampella announcing over Twitter that the beta is going open.

“Ok, just heard from @jonshiring. His words are ‘Let’s break it’, so the plan is to make the beta fully open and have you max stress it!”

Zampella clarified that “All the switches need to be flipped, and there are probably lots! It will take some number of time units to do it all!” and that the Xbox One would open up first, possibly later tonight, with the PC to follow maybe tomorrow. He believes that the beta should hold up fine when it’s opened, but that gamers may have trouble finding a server during peak times.

For now, eager PC gamers should keep a close eye on Zampella’s Twitter, where he is periodically posting batches of PC beta keys for anyone to grab.

I’ve been enjoying the Titanfall beta over the weekend. It’s a fantastically fun game, and while it does have a few issues to iron out before release, I’m confident Respawn can take care of it.

Source: Twitter

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